This is Hope.
I n 1988, a small number of church members came together to begin Christian Education at Hope Lutheran Church. The school offered morning Preschool and Kindergarten classes to anyone who desired to attend. The program’s reputation grew over time establishing itself as exemplary in the area. Largely supported by Hope Lutheran Church, the school remained much the same for 25 years. In 2018, Hope made the huge leap of faith to open a full-service educational program for children age 6 weeks to Kindergarten, as well as before and after school care for older children. Today, families enjoy Christian education on a campus offering meals, special programming, and the same exceptional preparation for school they have always provided.

Hope's History.
Lutheran Foundation.
Hope’s roots trace back to 1847, when Saxon and other German immigrants established a new church body in America, seeking the freedom to practice and follow confessional Lutheranism. Originally named The German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States, the name was shortened to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 1947 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary. The LCMS has long been associated with quality, loving, faith building educational programming.